A Remarkable Musical Moment: Triumph Over Performance Anxiety

In May of 2023, our vocal studio hosted a showcase that will forever be etched in our hearts. For many of our students, this event marked a significant milestone—either their first time performing in public or their return to the stage after a prolonged hiatus. However, one particular performance left an indelible mark on my memory. It was a dear friend and a former student of mine who had battled debilitating performance anxiety for years.

In one of our private lessons, she bravely shared a glimpse into her past, revealing that her family had not only failed to nurture her vocal talents but had also, at one point, told her that she couldn't sing. Although this happened many years ago, the words she heard during her formative years left an enduring mark, one that had deeply influenced her relationship with performing. Such experiences, especially when encountered at a young age, can cast a long shadow over one's self-confidence and abilities. Despite the weight of these memories, she took a remarkable step to rewrite her narrative on the stage that day.

On the day of the showcase, as showtime approached, uncertainty hung in the air, and frankly, we weren't sure if she would muster the courage to step onto the stage. But, against all odds, she not only showed up but also delivered her performance with unwavering confidence and courage. Her triumphant moment was so powerful that it moved me to tears, and her story serves as a testament to the incredible strength that music can bring to our lives.

This remarkable moment exemplifies the essence of what our showcases are all about—students reclaiming their narrative and their voice. Our studio is not merely a place for vocal instruction; it's a space where individuals can rediscover their voices and take the stage with confidence and pride. It's where personal journeys of growth and self-discovery intersect with the joy of music. This touching performance stands as a shining testament to the transformative power of music, as it empowers our students to shine brightly. As a teacher, I am most passionate about these moments because I firmly believe that everyone has a unique story to share, and music is the perfect medium to tell it.


Founder and Lead Vocal Coach of Poppy Vocal Studio (formerly known as Elise Tanyag Vocal Studio)


Debunking Common Vocal Myths: Embracing the Truth About Singing


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